Welcome to Open Spigot Farm!

The land we operate on has been cultivated by farmers for more than 150 continuous years. As far back as we can find, a water spigot on the land has been used by neighbors and travelers passing through. Wanting to keep that shared history alive, we encourage everyone to feel welcome on the land, and thus the name “Open Spigot Farm” came into being.

Follow our adventures on…

Summer Highlights at Open Spigot Farm

Summer Highlights at Open Spigot Farm

It's been a beautiful summer here at Open Spigot Farm. With the help and hard work of Brad, Holden, Mady and Julia, we've had a plentiful and fun season of growing and selling delicious and beautiful organic produce at our farm stand. Nothing beats summertime here in...

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Heirloom Seeds: What They Are and Why They Matter

Heirloom Seeds: What They Are and Why They Matter

Not too long ago, out good friend John Coykendall was featured in a documentary on Louisiana Public Broadcasting. John was recognized for the terrific work he does as an heirloom seed saver. What John does is so noble and important to the communities in which he saves...

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Protecting Your Garden from Pests and Predators

Protecting Your Garden from Pests and Predators

We've had some troubles at the farm from our old "friends" the coyotes this season. As you can see, even the coyotes can't get enough of our delicious produce, leaving a trail of half-eaten watermelons, pumpkins and other vegetables in their wake. Heck, even the deer...

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