Love coleslaw? Who doesn’t?  We can’t imagine a better cool side dish to enjoy during the warm summer months. This easy bean recipe features fresh cabbage, crunchy celery and ranch dressing. It’s hard to imagine any of your picky eaters not enjoying a few bites of this yummy chilled dish.

This bean-centric dish includes all the flavors of coleslaw you love with the creaminess and protein of beans. Traditionally, all the nutritional value in the coleslaw greens is usually cancelled out by the rich creams and and mayonnaise of the slaw sauce.In this healthy twistt, you sitll have your mayo, but the mixed beans add back in a ton of great nutrition in the form of fiber, protein and iron.

We also love this slaw recipe because it’s so easy to make. All you have to do is prepare the vegetables in the bite sizes your family prefers.  Then add in a little bit of ranch dressing ( and if you are trying to keep it on the lighter side there are plenty of light ranch dressings to choose from. Then mix everything together with Randall’s Mixed Beans from a jar. If your ingredients came straight from the fridge, you can make smaller bowls of slaw and serve right away. Otherwise, let the slaw chill for a few hours or overnight and serve cold.

Store in tightly sealed containers to serve again the next day.


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Easy to Fix Mixed Bean Coleslaw


  • 4 1/2 cups of Randall Deluxe Mixed Beans
  • 1 cup (2 stalks) celery chopped
  • 1 cup (10 radishes) raw radishes sliced thin
  • 5 cups pre-packed coleslaw
  • 1 8-ounce bottle creamy ranch dressing
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Rinse Randall Deluxe Mixed Beans with cold water, drain well. In a large bowl, combine beans, celery, radishes, and coleslaw mix. Add dressing just before serving to suit your taste.
  2. 10 servings.


Once you have made this recipe exactly the way we specified in the directions get creative.  Try substituting more of a vinegar or barbecue sauce as the base instead of a ranch dressing. Then go beyond the sauce and play with spices. You may find you like a little caraway, celery or even sesame seed.  Instead of black pepper, try a little red pepper flakes for heat.  In addition to raw cabbage, both green and red, you may want to add shredded carrots or bell peppers, or even pineapple tidbits.

When you are done, share your best tips with us.  We would love to know what you do to spice up our slaw.
