We recently featured this recipe in our Beans Around the World Cookbook, and it is one of the most unique recipes in our arsenal.

Trust us – you’ve never had anything like this before!

Literally translating to “beans”, Feijoada is the national dish of Brazil. However, the dish has roots in Portugal as a favorite for hundreds of years. Portuguese conquistadors brought the basic feijoada recipe consisting of pork, white beans and tomatoes with them. Over the years, Brazilian natives brought their own local twists. They added fruit, local spices and started using black beans as the standard for Brazilian feijoada – although any bean will do! Feijoada is traditionally served over yellow or brown rice that is seasoned with either tomatoes or spices, fresh

Feijoada is traditionally served over yellow or brown rice that is seasoned with either tomatoes or spices, fresh greens and tropical fruit. Unlike the traditional dish, our Randall Beans version does not include meat as its base protein. But, that just means there’s a lot more room for delicious beans in the dish! Feel free to experiment with pork or beef for a different twist. We’ve also added a handful of fresh green leafy vegetables to help make this dish extra healthy. If you’re serving this for picky eaters, you can stick to just regular lettuce.

The result? This dish comes out looking like a gorgeous feast for your eyes… and stomach. Make sure you’ve got a large plate to serve it up on and garnish with sliced oranges for color and flavor. Like we said: you’ve never had anything like this before!


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Randall Beans Great Northern Bean Feijoada



For the Beans:

  • 2 cups Randall Great Northern Beans, drained and rinsed
  • 5 cups water
  • 1 Tbsp. oil
  • 3/4 cup chopped onion
  • 1/2 Tbsp. minced garlic
  • 2 Tbsp. chopped hot pepper
  • 2 medium tomatoes, diced, or 1 cup canned drained tomato
  • 1 tsp. salt

For the Rice:

  • 3 1/2 cups combined water and liquid from canned tomatoes, or equal parts water and
  • Tomato juice or water seasoned with 1 to 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 2 cups uncooked brown rice
  • 1/2 tsp. salt

For the Onions:

  • 1 1/2 cups thinly sliced onion
  • 3 Tbsp. lime juice
  • 3/4 tsp. hot pepper sauce

For the Greens:

  • 2 Tbsp. oil
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 12 cups shredded greens, including kale, collards, chicory, romaine, or any combination
  • (about 1 1/2 pounds)

For the Garnish:

  • 3 oranges


  1. Heat the oil in a skillet and sauté the onion and garlic until softened, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the hot pepper and cook 1 minute longer, then add the tomatoes and salt and simmer for about 5 minutes to make a sauce.
  2. Add 1 cup of Randall Beans and mash well into the tomato mixture, cooking gently until thick. Place this mixture, Randall Beans, and water in a pot and simmer, uncovered, for about 30 minutes to thicken.
  3. While beans are cooking, bring the liquid for cooking the rice to a boil, sprinkle in the grain, cover, and simmer over low heat until tender, about 50 minutes. Add salt halfway through the cooking.
  4. Prepare the onions at least 30 minutes before dinner so they have a chance to marinate. This is best done while the rice and beans are cooking, but they can be prepared well in advance if preferred. Place onions in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Let stand for 5 minutes, drain, rinse with cold water, and pat dry. Return to bowl and add lime juice and hot pepper sauce.
  5. The greens can be cut up at any time, but cooking should be reserved until shortly before dinner. Heat oil in a large skillet and sauté onion until lightly colored. Add greens, and cook, stirring, until wilted. Cover pot and continue to cook until greens are tender but still crunchy, about 5 minutes for romaine, up to 15 for collards.
  6. Shortly before serving, peel the oranges and cut in slices or chunks. When you are ready to serve, transfer beans to a serving bowl and top with oranges; spoon on top of rice on individual serving plates. Serve greens on the side and pass the bowl of spicy onions for individual seasoning.


Are you hungry yet? Head out to the store, and look for Randall’s Great Northern Beans to make this dish tonight.
