It’s important to eat healthily, but every once in a while everybody needs a little comfort food.

We’re talking about stick-to-your-ribs, rich, decadent just like your mom used to make. One those occasions, a big plate of pasta is the perfect answer to your cravings.

With lots of cream, cheese and potatoes, this pasta recipe is not diet-friendly. It will, however, keep your full and happy.

The key to this dish’s success is using a great pesto sauce. There’s a lot of ways to go about it. Some families have a recipe passed down for generations. Others think outside the box and use kale or arugula for a slightly healthier sauce. If you are new to pesto sauce, we found a very basic and very easy to make sauce you can try out.

Our great northern beans help give this recipe some extra protein since there’s no meat while providing extra flavor, heartiness and nutrition. Feel free to cook up a little chicken or shrimp to add to the party too.

Finally, we can’t forget the potatoes in this dish. The small red potatoes add a fantastic texture to the dish, with the slight pop of the skin and the fluffiness of the interior. Top it all off with Parmesan cheese, and we guarantee this dish will make you a convert to Northern Italian cooking.


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Great Northern Bean Pesto Pasta with Creamy Potatoes


  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 3 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1/2 cup of Randall Great Northern Beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 pound small red potatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1/3 cup pesto sauce
  • 1/2 cup cream
  • 1/2 lb. dry farfalle or your favorite pasta
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Bring 4 quarts of water to a boil with the salt and 1 tablespoon of the oil. Place the potatoes with the peel on in the pot of water and boil 10 to 15 minutes until just tender. Drain the potatoes, cool, and slice 1/4 inch thick.
  2. Heat a frying pan and add the remaining 2 tablespoons of the oil and the garlic. Sauté 30 seconds and add the potatoes and Randall Great Northern Beans. Sauté 3 to 5 minutes until the vegetables are tender.
  3. Mix the pesto sauce with the cream and set aside.
  4. Boil the pasta in lightly salted water until al dente. Drain well and return to the pot. Add the sautéed beans and potatoes and the pesto cream.
  5. Toss all together and add salt and pepper to taste if needed.
  6. Serve with grated Parmesan cheese.


Believe it or not, beans are an important and frequently used part of cuisine from countries all around the globe. From the USA to Europe, Asia to South America and everywhere in between: everybody is crazy about beans. Download our free Cookbook today!
