We’re big proponents of healthy living, clean eating, and lots of action here at Randall Beans. Our signature product is packed to the brim with energy and protein, which is the perfect formula for a fit and healthy lifestyle. This year, the United Nations is looking ahead to name 2016 the “Year of Pulse Crop,” highlighting the importance of beans not only for good eating habits, but also for their role in supporting the human food base and being the backbone of many ecological systems.

The word “pulse” refers to the specific types of legumes you’ll find being grown on Randall Beans affiliate farms across the nation. From kidney beans to black beans and black-eyed peas, our beans live in the crop family outside of peanuts, green beans, and peas. The word “pulse” comes from a word of Latin origin meaning “thick soup.” Pulse crops have formed the backbone and sustaining basic nutrient-rich food for human for thousands of years.

According to a report by Brownfield Agricultural News, Pulse crop organization heads are hoping for a big boom in awareness in 2016, following the UN announcement. “If we can get that kind of momentum and really have people realize what a super crop these are as well as a sustainable crop for agricultural systems here in the U.S. and around the world it could have a huge impact in terms of increased consumption and increased profitability for our farmers,” says Tim McGreevy, head of the Global Pulse Confederation.


Beans Combat Obesity

In 2014, the annual United States Farm Bill included two special provisions just for pulse crop farmers and pulse crop growing practices. An overview of the provisions by pea-lentil.com includes the specifics of the provisions, stating “The Pulse Crop Health Initiative (PHI) will provide $125 million over 5 years to conduct research into the health and nutritional benefits of pulse crops, while the school Pulse Crop Products Program will allocate $10 million dollars over 5 years to the USDA to purchase pulse crops, and establish a delivery chain to introduce dry peas, lentils, chickpeas and dry beans into school food programs.” The U.S. is committing to beans and other pulse crops as a healthy alternative to combat the rampant nationwide epidemic of obesity among youth.

The initiatives and positive press around pulse crops from 2014 through 2016 is also aimed at increasing production nationwide. Growth in sales in turn lead to growth in capital to buy more seeds, more land, and more workers to harvest beans, leading to a more sustainable base crop for the nation. Jim Byrum, President of the Michigan Bean Shippers Association, says ““we’re going to need to grow crops that are low cost, sustainable, demand less water, and actually put nutrients back into the soil.” Byrum adds, “Pulses are truly the only crop that can achieve this level of sustainability.”


Eat More Beans

We’re committed to growing the best energy packed beans available for active lifestyles and healthy eating habits. 2015 and 2016 will see lots of positive growth in your industry, and at Randall Beans, we plan to be at the forefront of this new initiative. We’ll contribute to cutting obesity rates across the nation and growing a sustainable base crop to feed every hungry mouth out there with filling, protein and fiber packed beans.

Are you excited for beans this year? Let us know!
