Refried Beans Dip 2


As we move closer to fall, it’s time to bust out the chips, dips and finger foods. This simple and easy bean spread is the perfect addition to any get-together. Perfect for sharing, just blend your favorite Randall beans with pepper, onion, herbs and spices until smooth. Set out some crackers and you have just created a filling and delicious dip for any fall occasion.

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Randall Bean Spread

  • Yield: 1 1/2 cups of bean spread 1x


  • 1 cup Randall Beans, any variety, undrained
  • 1/4 cup chopped green pepper
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon combination of your favorite herbs
  • 2 tablespoons plain yogurt or your favorite dressing


  1. Blend Randall Beans, green pepper, onion, herbs, and yogurt in blender until smooth.
  2. Serve spread with assorted crackers.


Ready to start planning your picnic? Just don’t forget the Randall Beans! Check your local grocery store or if you can’t find them you can always have these delicious beans in a jar shipped straight to you from our online store.

