This no-frills baked beans flavor delivers all the flavor of great beans with none of the fuss. Just chuck everything together into a casserole and serve. It’s a very classic baked bean recipe, with lots of brown sugar and sticky molasses, but a hint of mustard adds an acidic note that keeps things from getting too heavy. And of course, it wouldn’t be a hunter baked bean recipe without meat, so we’ve added diced smoked bacon for a meaty taste and a delicious salty hit in every bite.

These beans are easy enough to make after a long day, whether you’ve been hunting for deer or antiques. Serve alongside burgers, hotdogs or even game meat. The richness of the molasses and bacon would pair perfectly with a lean venison or elk burger if you want these beans to really live up to their name! You also can use any variety of Randall Beans for this–Mixed, Great Northern or Pinto Beans all add their own unique spin. If you’re really adventurous, mix them all together!


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Hillbilly Hunter Baked Beans


  • 4 1/2 cups Randall Beans, any variety, undrained
  • 5 tablespoons light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup ketchup
  • 1/2 cup molasses
  • 1 tablespoon prepared mustard
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 4 slices smoked bacon, diced
  • 1/2 cup water


  1. Stir the Randall beans together with all of the other ingredients. Pour into a 2 quart casserole. Bake, uncovered, in a preheated 325° oven for 2 hours. Serve hot.
  2. 8 servings.
  3. For a spicier taste, substitute a hot, spicy ketchup or one of the new salsa-style ketchups.


Are you hungry yet? Head out to the store, and look for Randall Great Northern Beans to make this dish tonight.
