It’s been a beautiful summer here at Open Spigot Farm.

With the help and hard work of Brad, Holden, Mady and Julia, we’ve had a plentiful and fun season of growing and selling delicious and beautiful organic produce at our farm stand.

Nothing beats summertime here in Tennessee. This year we thought we’d do something a little special to commemorate the season. We had Laura Pierpont, a great photographer and even greater friend, come for a visit and take some pictures around the farm.

When she showed us what she had taken we were blown away by their beauty! Lauren really delivered with some breathtaking photography of the land, crops and people that make Open Spigot so special and amazing.

We knew we absolutely had to share them with you, so we gathered some of our favorites and put them in the gallery below. Check them out and enjoy! One last special thanks to Laura for her amazing photography. Be sure to visit her website for more of her phenomenal photography.

This is just a sampling of the tremendous work Laura did this summer. To see more, be sure to follow our Open Spigot Farm adventures on the Randall Beans Facebook page and the Open Spigot Farm Instagram. Also, be sure to check out our amazing collection of recipes featuring our delicious and organic Randall Beans.

Of course, you can always see the beauty of Open Spigot Farm for yourself! Come pay our farm stand a visit and learn why we are so serious about the organic lifestyle.

