Sing along with Randall Beans

We just finished working on a jingle as part of our advertising program. The goal was to make a jingle which was fun and lively. We wanted something which was easy to sing along to and bring a smile to our customers. We are really happy with the results. Listen now,...

Winter Pantry List

Winter hit the Midwest hard over the head during the past week.  Hopefully you had plenty of leftovers to eat while you were snowed in. A stocked pantry can keep you well fed if you don’t make it out for the bread, milk and eggs before a big winter storm....

Get Powered by Beans Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend is the official end of the summer season. Goodbye baseball, hello football. So long swimsuits, welcome sweaters and boots. But before we officially usher in the fall season, it’s time to have one last party, and Randall Beans will be hanging...

Bean Dishes Around the World

In honor of the London 2012 Olympic games, it’s time to try some pinto bean recipes inspired by dishes from around the world. Beans are essential in so many food cultures because of their health value and versatility. Flip to your favorite Olympic event and get...