Sassy Baked Beans

Just what makes baked beans sassy? Sweet honey, spicy salsa and just a dash of liquid smoke. These baked beans combine the southwestern flavors of chili like cumin and chili powder with a hint of sweetness that screams baked beans. Do be careful with liquid...

Piquant Bean Sauce

Whoops–you walked away from your grill for a few seconds, and dinner wound up ever so slightly overcooked. Lean proteins like fish, pork and chicken are especially prone to drying if they spend even an extra minute hanging out over the heat. But don’t...

Corn and Pinto Bean Salsa

Finding a roadside farmer’s produce stand is a pleasant surprise when you’re out for a drive enjoying the warmer weather and budding trees. Just-picked vegetables feed the craving for fresh foods after a winter using frozen or canned vegetables. Fresh...

Beans – Not Just for Dinner

Beans for breakfast? It might sound strange, but beans in the morning are part of a long standing tradition called full breakfast  in the British Isles. Similar to weekend brunches in the States, full breakfasts are saved for weekends and vacations when you can really...

Lean, Mean Pinto Bean Chili

Every time we think winter’s almost over, it pulls us back in with another freezing blast or ice storm. As much as we love skiing and snowball fights, it’s tough to find new ways to warm up. Luckily we can’t get enough chili. Whether you’re...