Mexican Pinto Bean Casserole

Casseroles can be a lifesaver for busy parents. They’re quick, they’re easy, cleanup is a snap and you don’t have to make a side dish. Many casseroles can be made the night before or even frozen for an easy meal in the future. Yep, we all agree,...

Cheesy Chili Bean Nachos

Think nachos have to be a heavy, unhealthy dish? Okay, maybe it won’t win any prizes for healthiest dish ever–unless you replaced the chips with kale–but that doesn’t mean it has to be a calorie bomb. By making many of the ingredients at home,...

Microwaved Baked Beans

Hey. Sometimes it happens. Despite your best intentions, you forgot to thaw something from the freezer or stop by the store. The kids are hungry and dinner needs to happen now. Rather than turning to frozen meals, we’ve got a quick and simple meal you can whip...