The life of a teenage is tiring. They begrudgingly arise at 6:00am for a full day of high school before running off to numerous after school activities and a long night of homework. These active teens are in desperate need of nutrition and protein. Plus, they are continuously hungry and crave the nearest food in sight. Make Randall Beans the first food these teens see. Give them the opportunity to make protein rich snacks perfect for their on the go lifestyles.

Before sending your teen off to school, take a note from Randall Beans resident teenager Lydia. She concocted this Pinto Bean Salad masterpiece as a healthy snack before running off to practice.  The salad calls for a mixture of vegetables such as avocado, tomato, peppers and onions. Although, we suggest getting crazy and trying every vegetable in the refrigerator to find your favorite creation. Next, pour in drained and rinsed Randall Beans Pinto Beans to embrace protein.  Toss the whole salad with lemon juice and olive oil to bring extra flavor to the dish. Not many ready-on-hand protein foods can be sprinkled, added and combined with such finesse as our beans. Start your teens on a life long journey of enjoying beans and healthy eating.


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Lydia’s Pinto Bean Salad


  • 1 cup Randall’s Pinto Beans (drained and rinsed)
  • Avocado
  • Tomato
  • Green Pepper
  • Onion
  • Cucumber
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon juice


  1. Cut up veggies.
  2. Mix veggies with beans, olive oil and lemon juice.
  3. Stir mixture and enjoy.


More Bean Salad Recipes:

Bahn Mi Bean Salad

Zesty White Bean Salad

Ready to start planning your picnic? Just don’t forget the Randall Beans! Check your local grocery store or if you can’t find them you can always have these delicious beans in a jar shipped straight to you from our online store.
