What Beans are Best for Chili?

  Beans are a truly versatile food. They can work well in whatever dish you want to use them in, with different kinds of beans bringing something a little different. Unless you are from Texas and see it as blasphemous – one of the most popular bean dishes...

Sweet Potato Mixed Bean Chili

It’s easy to get bogged down in using the same ingredients over and over when making chili, resulting in the same flavors again and again. While you always need the staples of meat, tomato, chili powder or chilis and beans, the world is your oyster in regard to...

Vegan Chili

  Did you make a New Year’s resolution to take better care of yourself? Working out, getting more sleep, drinking more water and eating better are topping our lists. The holidays were a great time to indulge but now we’re ready to make the best of the...