Your source for healthy bean recipes, health and fitness information and everything you need to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Eat better, live better.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year With Randall Beans!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year With Randall Beans!

When the weather turns colder, most of us would like to curl up in a cozy spot and dive into a huge plate of comfort food. But with these sometimes-unhealthy indulgences always comes a bit of regret. If you find yourself thinking, “I shouldn’t have eaten that!”, especially during the holiday season, you’re probably not alone.

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Happy Thanksgiving From Randall Beans!

Happy Thanksgiving From Randall Beans!

We at Randall Beans have a lot to say about gratitude. And, ‘Tis the Season of thankfulness, so we decided to share everything that has warmed our hearts and brought a smile to our faces in the hopes that you’ll share this joy with us and take a moment to remember the wonderful people and other blessings in your own life.

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Beans: They’re Good For Your . . . Brain?

Beans: They’re Good For Your . . . Brain?

Dementia diagnoses are rising in the Western world, leading us to focus on lifestyle changes to protect our brain health. Dementia encompasses many neurodegenerative diseases, including, but not limited to:

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Beans Are Healthy, Convenient, and Inexpensive

Beans Are Healthy, Convenient, and Inexpensive

When times got tough, our ancestors ate beans. In fact, beans were so important during the Great Depression that they became the basis for a number of classic dishes you may remember from your grandma’s house when you were a kid.

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Our line of pre-cooked beans in BPA-free glass jars are fast, convenient and protein, healthy fat, vitamins and minerals. It’s the kind of food that gives you the get-up-and-go to get active, get out there and lead the life you always wanted.

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