Updated Classic Bean Recipes

There are some dishes that are timeless. Maybe it’s a dish which transports you to your childhood, when your grandmother lovingly made it from scratch. Maybe it’s something which just tastes so good, you thought it could never be improved upon. Well,...

When to Use Great Northern White Beans

You’ve found an awesome bean salad recipe or clipped a killer recipe for baked beans. But when you scan down the list of ingredients, it just calls for “white beans.” What does that mean? What kind of beans should you be using? The three most common...

Beans in the Pot Means Time on the Clock

When things get busy, even people who love to cook need a break from cooking. By reducing the effort it takes to get a meal on the table, slow cookers or crock pots can change lives. Yes, change lives. What would you do with a few extra minutes every day? Spend more...

3-Course Meal with Pinto Beans

Are you surprised that you could prepare a 3-course meal with pinto beans in every dish? Take advantage of the versatility and nutritional value of pinto beans. We have prepared some delicious dinner ideas for you to impress your friends and family including an...