Kick Up the Flavor with Salsa

Homemade salsa always tastes better than the stuff out of the jar, and it’s so much healthier, too. You can use your favorite ingredients to create combinations that you won’t find in store-bought varieties. Substitute strawberries or watermelon for...

Sweet Beans! Desserts Made with Beans

Think beans are just for dinner? Guess again! Beans work surprisingly well in some dessert recipes since they keep the dish dense and moist without too much of a beany flavor. Some cooks have turned to beans when baking gluten-free or dairy-free desserts while others...

Fight Training Fatigue with Fun

Athletes are always looking for ways to keep their training momentum going. When mid-season training fatigue hits, finding alternatives to your typical workout can be rejuvenating. Cross-training activities like rock climbing or laser tag still provide a good workout...

What You Need to Know About CSA Programs

Are you interested in getting involved in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program this year? CSA programs were started by farms wanting to share their produce with their community. Instead of visiting a farm stand on the side of the road and picking out what...