Creative Bean Side Dish Recipes

Stuck in a side dish rut? Tired of the same old mac and cheese, rice or green bean side dishes? It’s time for something new and different. Beans make an ideal side dish. Their neutral flavor makes them a great way to showcase bold spices and fresh herbs, and...

Bean Soups for the Soul

Winter is officially here! The colder months tend to bring snow, snow and well, more snow. All of the fresh powder takes us outdoors for activities like sledding, skiing, snowman building and snowball throwing. Those activities can certainly help you build up an...

The Randall Beans Family Farm

Open Spigot Farm The Randall Beans family is excited to announce the opening of its Open Spigot Farm in Miller’s Cove, Tennessee. The farm will allow us to grow organic heirloom beans that are otherwise unavailable.   Old Watering Hole Nestled deep in the heart...

Ham Bone and Bean Soup Recipe

Your relatives have left and the house is finally quiet. As you clean up from the holidays, are you asking yourself what to do with all of the leftovers? The holiday ham was great and you’ve had ham sandwiches for a few days, but it’s wearing out...

Are Pinto Beans Healthy?

We could bend your ear off with the nutritional benefits of pinto beans, but we know you’re more interested in what things like manganese and molybdenum can actually do to help decrease the risk of disease than in their complicated scientific...