Summery Pinto Bean Salads

It’s hot. You don’t want to turn the stove on and do real cooking. The solution? A cool, crisp salad. Pinto beans make an addition to any summer salad. They’re high in protein and fiber which keeps you full, while you don’t need to heat them up...

Sandwich Bean Spread

It seems like we completely skipped Spring this year and are tackling Summer head-on! That means spending plenty of time outside in the sunshine, enjoying all the green space growing in your neighborhood and preparing lots of picnics. Whether you’re heading down...

Layered Skillet Bean Dip

So you’re having friends over this weekend for game night and you really want to impress them as the “Hostess with the Mostess.” What dish do you serve your guests that will satisfy their appetites and also tantalize their taste buds? A delicious...