Vegan Bean Spread Sandwich Recipes

Stuck in a sandwich-making rut? Try something different by adding bean spread to your next sandwich. Bean spread can act as a condiment on your favorite sandwich, replacing boring old mayonnaise and mustard while adding a shot of flavor and protein. Bean spread can...

Pairing Proteins and Beans

If you like to keep your house well stocked with delicious meal starters, you’ve got your jar of Randall Deluxe Pinto Beans, Great Northern Beans or Mixed Deluxe Beans stowed away, waiting for a great recipe. While bean soup or other main dishes are great, you...

Beans for Dessert? Sweet Bean Recipes

Bean recipes for baked goods? Believe it or not, baking with beans can have some sweet results. Beans give a creaminess and fattiness to cookies, cakes, pies and brownies that means you need to use less oil, shortening or butter. Don’t believe us? Give one of...

Wonderful White Chicken Chili Recipes

Not everyone is a fan of traditional chili recipes that are made with tomatoes, ground beef and red kidney beans. That’s where white chili comes in. White chili uses white beans and features either chicken breast or turkey meat as the main source of protein....

White Beans & Bacon

Bacon has become so popular there are cookbooks solely dedicated to bacon recipes. It’s great to enjoy by itself, on a sandwich or on top of a salad. These tasty recipes feature delicious white beans and bacon. Add bits of bacon to a creamy dip or a scrumptious...